About Author. Hello, all bloggers arround the world, especially blogger zine from indonesia, in this nice occasion I would like to tell about myself relating to the admin of this blog, well then, my name is nancy septina amanah, I was born on september 22 2002, at present I am in the fourth grade of elementary school in SD 3 Way jepara East-Lampung. I am isteresting in blogging now because everytime I always see my father blogging so I try and try.
I think I am a lucky girl, I can learn everything from my father and my mother, I learn operate a computer, English and soon just from my father, my father is an english teacher, but To all reader I am so sorry if my English is not well yet, because I am still learning in Elementary school, I do hope that someday I can be a good interpreneur .
I am very impressed now in blogazine when I browsing I saw very fantastic blog in which design in zine form. therefore I try to learn from myself and even somtime I ask my father how to do it. well then, one of the wise words that I always keep in mind is that "when you are trying to do something people arround you will say, you will never success.
But when you are success people arround you willsay how could you do it.